
Hi guys! I’m Nisha !

Welcome to my blog ! Im so excited you’re here! I post healthy and delicious meals which are so quick and easy to make ! please browse through and enjoy my page!

Short cuts to my recipes

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Snicker smoothie

Snicker smoothie

Hi Guys ! this smoothie taste like a snicker bar to me!


  • 1 Tbsp peanut butter

  • 2-3 pitted dates

  • 1 cup of milk

  • 1 piece of sugar-free chocolate or( cocoa powder and some honey)

  • Ice


Simply put everything in a high-speed blender and blend until you create a silky smooth smoothie. I toped the smoothie with some grated dark chocolate!

Spicy curry dip

Spicy curry dip

Oats roti pizza

Oats roti pizza